"You are more foolish than I thought!" - Drakor


The true main villain of Dinosaur Planet. He's controlling General Scales and orchestrate the whole operation. He will stop at nothing to stop the alignment of the Majestic 8.

Character Bio

The characters' biographies were leaked (with other promotional material such as official renders, condensed story and gameplay footage) on the website RareThief in September 2012. All bios are dated for the year 2000.

It’s worth mentioning though, not all character’s information and trivia are present in the December 1, 2000 prototype. These were probably written pretty early on in the development of the game to summarize each character, but were not really changed after the game’s story underwent many changes and evolutions. (i.e : Krystal's backstory not being mentioned except that she was adopted by Randorn or Krystal’s crush on Sabre even though they are siblings.)

First page of Scale's bio, transcribed below


Name : Drakor
Age : 200 Dragon Years
Height : 25ft
Likes : Universe domination, absolute power... nothing you wouldn't expect.
Dislikes : Any mere mortal that stands in his way.
Weapons : The Power Claw.
Combat style : Flying Attack
Favorite Spell : He's only just beginning to learn magic but he does get a kick out of the disappering coin trick !
Favorite food : Sheep and cows, but whilst he's on Dinosaur Planet he's taken a liking to ThornTails!
Special abilities : N/A

What he wants to do when Dinosaur Planet has been destroyed?
He will bathe in the sweet waters of revenge when all the Krazoa lie dead and then will unleash his powers on the rest of the Majestic 8!

Drakor is the epitome of pure evil. Even other members of his own race, the Kamerians, who are hardly angels themselves could not understand the depth of his hatred!

Labeled as a threat to their society, Drakor was banished from his planet. This only caused to fuel his anger even more and gave the spark to his evil plot.

Role in the game
Little is revealed about Drakor, as initially General Scales appears to be the main baddie. It is not until the Krazoa reveal themselves that you learn of the Dragon and his plans.

His role has been to supply Scales with his advanced technology and equip him with the firepower needed to take control of Dinosaur Planet.

Although little is known about the Drakor, it is believed that his race were around at the same time as the Krazoa. The Kamerians were not evil to the core but they did not wish to be ruled over by the Krazoa and did not believe in worshipping the Quan Ata Lachu.

After the Kamerian's defeat during the Great War, they became a peaceful race. Evolution changed them from huge war loving creatures into smaller peace loving ones (though they still look very scary!)

Drakor knew that the last Great War Dragon had died above a planet now populated with annoying creatures called Dinosaurs! This very same planet is also the universe's greatest source of pure magic energy. If he can utilize the huge resources of power, he believes he can bring the War Dragon back to life and use it's destructive forces for his

Enlisting the help of a foolish Dinosaur called General Scales; he begins his evil plan...

Questions / Answers

📚 This questions and answers section is directly from Scale's character biography from RareThief's blog.

  • What does he wants to do when Dinosaur Planet has been destroyed?
    He will battle in the sweet water of revenge when all the Krazoa lie dead and then will unleash his powers on the rest of the Majestic  8 !
  • Personnality 
    Drakor is the epitome of the pure evil. Even other members of his own race, the Kamerians, who are hardly angels themselves could not understand the dept of his hatred.

    Labeled as a treat to their society, Drakor was banished from his planet. This only cause to fuel his anger even more and gave him the spark to his evil plot.
  • Role in the game
    Little is revealed about Drakor, as initially General Scales appears to  be the main baddie. It is not until the Krazoa reveal themselves that you lean of the Dragon and his plan.
  • Background
    Although little is known about the Drakor, it is believed that hisnrace were around at the same time as the Krazoa. The Kamerian were not evil to the core but they did not wish to be ruled over by the Krazoa and did not believe in worshipping the Quan Ata Lachu.

    After the Kamerian's defeat during the Great War, they became a peaceful race. Evolytion changed them from huge war creature into smaller peace loving ones (though they still look very scary!)

    Drakor knew that the last Gret War Dragon had died above the planet now populated with annoying creatures called Dinosaurs! This very same plane is also the uniderse's greatest source of pire magic energy. If he can utilise the huge ressource of power, he believes he can bring the War Dragon back to life to life and use it's destructive forces for his own.

    Enlisting the help of the fooling Dinosaur called General Scales, he begins his evil plan. 

Concept arts and early idealizations


Concept art is pretty close (but no wings!) to the final model in-game - execept the hands are reversed and in the in-game model, the Power Claw is in his right hand.

His tail is longer as well compared in-game. He also doesn't have a bracelet around his naked arm.

Renders & Models


Note his center core is purple, but in-game it's orange. Also he has longer hand claw, which are not present in-game as well.

In-Game model



Separete model for his close-in on his head. Probably used in some zoomed cutscenes.

Story in-game

⚠️ This section is missing information in text, pictures and in video if possible.

Voice lines

⚠️ This section is missing information in text, pictures and in video if possible.

🎧 Separate some voice lines of Drakor : 

- ''You are more foolish than I though''
- ''Haven't though you just killed their God?''
- ''Tell him Fox, tell him the true..."

Cutscene and gameplay (Spoilers)

🙈 The next section will spoil the story end of Dinosaur Planet, watch at your own risks!

🎞️ Find and post some cutscenes and gameplay with Drakor : 

- Cutscene when defeating him (Currently not found)
- Gamepay when battleling him

After defeating the Kamerian Heart, Drakor confronts Sabre/Fox.

Unfinished cutscenes in a later Warlock Mountain. Drakor can be seen for a split second.

Screenshots in-game (Spoilers)

🙈 The next section will spoil the story end of Dinosaur Planet!










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