"Krystal, get me out of here!"
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A breathtaking coastal bluff that leads into a heavily guarded fortress. Krystal will need to gain entry to this area from SwapStone Circle in order to rescue her companion, Kyte. As Krystal continues to make progress into her journey, further areas of Cape Claw will become available to explore; she will need to return to this location several times to discover all the Cape has to offer.


This area can be found by venturing downhill from SwapStone Circle, where the narrow passage following Lightfoot Village gives way to an open shoreline. 

Unfortunately, much of the area is impassable, as exploring the waters of Cape Claw will result in being swept into the undertow, and further access deeper into the SharpClaw fortress is blocked by a BribeClaw posted at the tunnel.

Freeing Kyte (Initial Visit)

If Krystal is able to keep to the shores by necessity, she will discover a crop of vine that will allow ascent towards a log, which can be pushed into the water to allow for safe passage. Riding the log, Krystal will be able to gain access to a small cave near the BribeClaw which contains a Shiney Nugget. Returning to the shore safely and presenting the Shiney Nugget to the BribeClaw will allow progress into the Poison Chamber; a small room that quickly fills with noxious gas unless a block puzzle is solved under a strict time limit. 

Provided that Krystal is able to block the ventilation shafts with the blocks provided, she'll unlock the next area, which features a wide cliffside and a mountable cannon. The cannon can be used to blast away the metal doors on the left and right of its placement, which permits entrance into the Courtyard of Cape Claw. 

This area features a large flooded well in its center, which is surrounded by several inlays arranged in the symbol of the Krazoa. Setting Krazoa Tablets in place of these inlays is fundamental to exploring further areas of Cape Claw.

At this point in her adventure, Krystal will be able to free Kyte by battling the guard for the key to her prison, and having her perch on a series of levers. Once this is done, the towers surrounding the Courtyard will reveal a pair of torches which can be lit by Kyte's "Flame" technique; accomplishing this task will allow the reunited duo to return to the Cliffside, and ultimately the entrance to the Cape.

Krazoa Tablets/Lighthouse Solution (Subsequent Visits)

Subsequent visits to Cape Claw rely on the retrieval of the Krazoa Tablet found in Discovery Falls to inititate a sequence wherein Krystal and Kyte will collect a series of Fire Gems hidden around Cape Claw and place them inside the three hidden Lighthouse Beacons. Once a Lighthouse Beacon has been lit, or a Krazoa Tablet has been placed, the Courtyard Well will reflect this change, and unlock further areas of Cape Claw accordingly.

As the Fire Gems cannot be collected in the current capacity of Dinosaur Planet, it is not currently possible to progress beyond this point without the use of codes, or patches. However, despite this set-back, the solution to the Lighthouse Beacons has been discovered, and it may be possible restore this feature in the future. Nonetheless, each step of this intended puzzle can be found below.

First Fire Gem: The First Fire Gem can be found behind the first waterfall in Cape Claw, near the entrance. Krystal will need to brave the undertow with the log she used previously to paddle behind the waterfall and collect the gem. 

First Lighouse Beacon:

Important Items & NPCs

<Feels self explanatory. Include a name, location, and short description for each item / character EX: For swapstone hollow, you can mention that Queen Earthwalker is located on a sidepath, and that she needs a white mushroom to open the path to the swapstone. You should not mention that she will tell Saber/Fox about the spellstones, that belongs in Overview.>

The PointBack, eggs, diamonds, Log


<If the enemies are just there to be an obstacle, just a bulleted list of the types of enemies found is good. If there are notable enemies, such as a Boss, or enemies that must be killed to progress, mention them with a little more detail here, and then link to a relevant page. Generally, Guardclaws should be in NPCs>

SharpClaw, Weird meteor boss before the shrine, others that elude me at the moment

Notable Bugs/Crashes

<Things like the Gas Chamber, Hell River™, Item Pickup Crashes, etc. belong here. Try to include links to their respective pages, and mention if there are any cheats/mods to help. Tricks relevant to progression can also go here, such as Early Princess.>


<A few options for things here. You can mention how an area has changed over development, compare it to its SFA incarnation. Mention fun stuff, like the 10 Egg Box outside of LightFoot Village, or any good scarab grinding spot. Cutscene dialogue inconsistencies are always neat.>


<Pictures with captions>




Cape Claw


AppearancesDP, SFA (Heavily abridged)

Map Viewer: World Map

Or, if there's a better
picture without world map,
Cite source here.


Created by LerakoLanche Rare Gamer on 2021/12/04 10:18


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