The condensed story of Dinosaur Planet was written by and belongs to Rare, and this transcribed version of the original documents has not been altered in any way.

The Condensed Story Of ...


Complete silence is followed by a huge crackle of energy as space itself is torn apart and Sabre and Krystal fall down to the dusty ground below. The wormhole that they have just fallen through closes above their heads and they find themselves in a dark room.

Sabre reminds Krystal of the message his father left him- 

"My Son, though I have not been a good father to you, I ask for your help. I find myself in a grave situation.

I have made contact with another planet, different from our own and have met a strange creature called a dinosaur! He is the King of the EarthWalker Tribe and has asked me to help him as his planet in turmoil. 

The planet is governed by two ruling tribes, the EarthWalkers and the CloudRunners. The leader of the vicious SharpClaw Tribe, known as General Scales, has kidnapped a prince and princess from each of the tribes. By doing this, he hopes to cause chaos throughout the planet as instead of the working together, the ruling tribes are too busy blaming each other!

I tried to help but I have been mortally wounded and remain deep inside a palace called Warlock Mountain. 

Please hurry, jump through the wormhole, It will bring you to Dinosaur Planet. Sabre, you must find Prince Tricky and Krystal, you must find Princess Kyte. When they are rescued, bring them to Warlock Mountain!


Sabre is a 20-year-old warrior from the Wolfen Tribe and is the son of Randorn the mighty Wizard King.

He is an excellent swordsman, taught by his elder brother. When he was 13, a war took place on his home planet. His elder brother, sent into battle by his father, died on the battlefield. 

Randorn, overcome with grief, disappeared into the wilderness never to be seen again.

After many years of torment, Sabre decided to head into the wilderness in search of his father, he had many questions waiting to be answered. 

Whilst searching a densely wooded valley, Sabre came face to face with a female warrior called Krystal. She was from the tribe that had been at war with the Wolfens many years ago. It was they that had killed his brother. He drew his sword but was surprised when she called out his name!

She told him a tale of a hidden temple, into which she and his father had ventured. They had discovered a way to communicate with other races beyond their world, in the stars above, and had spoken to strange creatures called Dinosaurs!

The Dinosaurs had asked for help and Randorn took the task upon himself. Before leaving, he had asked Krystal to find his son, Sabre.


After Randorn had disappeared into the wilderness, he took revenge for his slain son, on any of the Fox Tribe that he came across. Blinded with fury, he destroyed whole villages with his magical powers. This ended when he discovered a young 6 year old child fox, stranded alone, her parents killed by his own hands!

Overwhelmed with guilt, he took the young fox with him and named her Krystal.

Together, they explored the wilderness as Randorn began to come to terms with his grief and his anger. By the time they had discovered the hidden temple, Krystal was 16 years old.

When they activated the secrets within the temple, Krystal was amazed that other races even existed. Here on the Planet Animus, there were only animals; strange creatures such as Dinosaurs didn't even exist in her imagination!

She tried to stop Randorn going to help the Dinosaurs, but he thought this was the one chance he had to redeem himself from all the mistakes he made in the past. She was to find his son, Sabre, and tell him that he was sorry.

The moment that he entered the wormhole, a message suddenly appeared from within, it was from Randorn, he was in trouble. Krystal must find Sabre and together they must enter the wormhole and come to Dinosaur Planet!


    Through a heavy storm, Krystal rides the back of a Soldier from the CloudRunner Tribe. They are flying through the air when out of the dark storm clouds around them appears a flying Galleon!

Blasting the cannons and landing on the Galleon, Krystal is about to rescue the princess when a door bursts open and General Scales approaches her! He is the leader of the SharpClaw Tribe and has waited for this opportunity to take control of Dinosaur Planet for many years.

Krystal attempts to get to the Princess but Scales knocks her to the ground! But, whilst he stands there gloating, lightning strikes, throwing him off the side of the Galleon!!

After defeating Scales and rescuing Princess Kyte, the Galleon docks at Warlock Mountain. Krystal heads off to find Randorn. She finds him in ill health. He mumbles something about this is not Scale's doing, there is someone else? He's very afraid!

Randorn then tells her about a race called the Krazoa who ruled the universe millions of years ago. During a great battle, they were destroyed and from this destruction arose the great Kameria Dragon, the God of the Dinosaurs. The dragon had created the dinosaurs and since that day life had been good. But recently, the King EarthWalker was beginning to suspect that the ancient texts were hiding something, maybe the history of the planet was wrong!

He gives her his Spell Book and tells her to go to a place called Discovery Falls; there the Dinosaurs had uncovered a mysterious shrine that may hold the answers that the King EarthWalker had been looking for.

As she returns to the Galleon, General Scales is waiting for her, somehow he had survived the lightning strike and was still alive! He commands the Galleon to head off into the sky, leaving her stranded and having to rescue the princess again!

She discovers a hidden warp room and finds herself standing in front of a huge stone creature, his name is Rubble, he is one of the SwapStone Twins! Rubble informs her that he is able to swap the player between the main characters of Sabre and Krystal. With a wave of his hands we now join Sabre's Adventure!

    Sabre discovers that Prince Tricky is to be imprisoned at the top of Ice Mountain. He attempts to rescue him but the Prince has ideas of his own and runs off with two SharpClaws in quick pursuit. Sabre jumps aboard a Jet Bike and chases after them down the frozen slopes.

He eventually catches up with the young prince and together they head off through the forests of the Northern Wastes. This cold land is home to the SnowHorn Tribe.

The Prince reveals that he is able to help Sabre by using his Sidekick Commands. He can dig up items buried under the ground, he can use his flame breath to set fire to things, and he can also get them both into lots of trouble, which he does regularly!

Sabre's task is to get Tricky back to his parents; this takes them through SwapStone Hollow. Here they find Tricky's mother, the Queen EarthWalker, has been badly injured. After helping her, she tells them of General Scale's plan and how they can stop him!

The General has taken control of the two Force Point Temples. These buildings are used to extract Magic Energy from deep within the core of the planet, which the dinosaurs then use to power their world. He wishes to use this energy for evil.

To stop him, Sabre and Krystal must find 6 SpellStones and place them inside the temples. This will shut down the power and save their world.

Returning to Northern Wastes, they find a SnowHorn imprisoned under a layer of ice. After helping him, he reveals that he is a SpellStone Guardian, one of a special group of dinosaurs formed millions of years ago by the Kameria Dragon. Each Guardian was given a SpellStone to protect and this secret was passed down from generation to generation. If the planet were ever in trouble, the Guardians would take the stones and stop the energy extraction.

General Scales learnt the Guardian's secret but the SpellStone had been hidden deep within DarkIce Mines. When the Guardian had refused to reveal it's exact location, the General threatened to destroy his whole tribe. The Guardian still refused, but his daughter stepped forward to help Scales. She held the safety of her tribe above the importance of her father's SpellStone. Sabre and Tricky must head into the mines to find the SpellStone before Scales.

    Meanwhile, Krystal had made her way to a place called Cape Claw. It was here that the SharpClaws had made their base and where she was sure to find Princess Kyte. After rescuing a strange, little dinosaur called a LightFoot, she rescues the Princess and together they head off to Discovery Falls as Randorn had wished.

Before they get there, Krystal is captured by the LightFoot Tribe. They believe her to be a SharpClaw collaborator, but when she comes to their aid they reward her by opening the route to Discovery Falls.

In a time before the dinosaurs, Discovery Falls was regarded a sacred place. Before the war began, the EarthWalkers had found a strange shrine, which was covered in an unusual form of Ancient Text. Randorn thought that if they could find a way into this shrine, it may give them some clue as to what exactly Scales was up to.

Krystal and Kyte eventually open the shrine door and venture inside. Here they must complete a Krazoa Test which ends with Krystal being possessed by a spirit! The spirit commands her to return to Warlock Mountain, they have uncovered the first Krazoa Shrine but who exactly are the Krazoa?

    Back in DarkIce Mines, Sabre and Tricky, under the Guardian's daughter's instruction, had reached the bottom of the mine. Somewhere in a hidden chamber they will find the SpellStone. Tricky uses his Find Command and digs a hole through into this secret place.

Here they find a huge frozen waterfall. Within the ice they can see the SpellStone, though it appears to be sitting on a huge hand!! Melting the ice awakens a terrifying monster. He grasps the SpellStone but before chasing our heroes, he decides to eat it!! After a long battle, which ends inside the monster's stomach, the SpellStone is collected!!

Quickly, they return to the Guardian, as only he has the power to activate a SpellStone. They then head back to SwapStone Hollow to attempt to find the Volcano Force Point!!

Within SwapStone Hollow live the ThornTail Tribe. These friendly dinosaurs guide them down river to Diamond Bay. After helping out a distressed PointBack, they are given a map, which reveals not only the entrance to the Volcano Force Point but another hidden Krazoa Shrine.

Entering the Force Point Temple, the first SpellStone is placed. They are now one step nearer to saving the planet!

    Krystal and Kyte have now returned to Warlock Mountain. As they approach the wizard, the spirit leaves her body and reveals itself. It is known as Quan Ata Lachu, one of eight beings that the Krazoa once worshipped. Krystal must take its spirit and release it within Warlock Mountain. This causes the huge floating diamond within the mountain to rotate. The reason for this will soon be revealed! They must collect 8 Krazoa Spirits as their second main task.

Leaving Warlock Mountain, Krystal decides it is time for Kyte to return to her tribe. They make their way up through a strange mountainous area called Moon Mountain Pass until they reach the grand entrance to CloudRunner Fortress!

Entering the fortress, they are immediately attacked by SharpClaws and some strange robotic devices. This isn't technology that the dinosaurs would have?

Making their way into the Fortress, they see General Scales has got there first and is interrogating Kyte's mother, Queen of the CloudRunner Tribe. He demands that she reveals the location of a SpellStone, hidden somewhere within the Fortress. When she refuses, he kills her!!! Krystal attempts to stop Kyte from revealing themselves but suddenly a robot appears from behind and she is knocked unconscious!



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