
Version 13.1 by Fruitcake™️ 🍰 on 2021/03/15 15:19


Krystal is a 16 years old vixen from the Fox Tribe from the planet Animus, adopted and raised by Randorn of the Wolf Tribe. She is one of the two main protagonists of Dinosaur Planet, the other one being her brother, Sabre of the Wolf Tribe. In the game her sidekick is Kyte, a pterodactyl princess of the Cloud Runner tribe. Krystal is gentle, courageous and determined and is all around very mature of character with everyone she meets.

Early story (From Character Bio)

On a moonlit night deep in the Northwood Forest on Animus, the six years old vixen is woken up by a Wolven warrior entering her clan’s territory. The warrior began to attack her clan and Krystal’s father urged her to run and to not turn back in order to hide. 

She spent the night hidden by the roots of a giant tree, and as soon as day broke out she traced by her steps to find her family, but was found by a Wolven male, Randorn, who explained to her that her family had been killed by someone.

The child, now an orphan, is reassured by the adult Wolven who wants to take care of her. It was he who gave her the name Krystal.

Character Bio

The characters' biographies were leaked (with other promotional material such as official renders, condensed story and gameplay footage) on the website RareThief in September 2012. All bios are dated for the year 2000.

It’s worth mentioning though, not all character’s information and trivia are present in the December 1, 2000 prototype. These were probably written pretty early on the development of the game to summarize each character but were not really changed after the game’s story many changes and evolution. (i.e : Krystal backstory not being mentioned except she was adopted by Randorn or Krystal’s crush on Sabre even though they are siblings.)


Name : Krystal
Age : 16 years old
Height : 5ft 8”
Likes : Learning new skills and has a crush on Sabre

May be a remnant from a past story, this isn’t mentioned in the final game at all since the sibling characters don’t interact at all.

Dislikes : People who underestimate her for being a girl and SharpClaws’s stinky breath!
Weapon : Staff
Combat style : Malikendo (Ancient art of staff. Fighting perfected by Wolven Leaders)
Favorite spell : The illusion spell (Krystal loves getting the better of dum Sharpclaws!)
Favorite food : Randorn’s Berry Pie
Special abilities : She is very acrobatic.

Questions / Answers

  • What does Krystal want to do when Dinosaur Planet has been saved?
    Despite the hard-girl image, Krystal really needs a week’s relaxation at a Health Spa. Her nails a filthy!
  • Personality
    Her turbulent upbringing has given her a cool and mature head for her age, which has often proven invaluable in some difficult situations.

    A skilled fighter, Krystal uses her staff as her main form of attack and defence. Her years spent growing up with Randorn, have allowed her to hone her combat techniques to a level that is just right for bashing SharpClaws.
  • Role within the game
    Krystal’s relationship with her sidekick Kyte grows as the game progresses. The alliance that forms between the two will see both characters rely on each other for support during many difficult situations and experiences.




Height5ft 8”
ClanFox Tribe
RelativesRandorn (Adoptive father), Sabre (Sibling)