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There are many foes that Krystal and Sabre must fight on their adventure. Something something heres how to stop them




The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

Members of General Scales' army. Honestly, where arent they found?


The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Ice Mountain, SnowHorn Wastes, DarkIce Mines

Members of General Scales' army. A purple reskin of the SharpClaw

Cannon Claw

 The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:DarkIce Mines, Golden Plains, Cape Claw

Members of General Scales' army. Will attempt to shoot a large cannon at Sabre or Krystal... provided they're implemented properly. Only the Darkice Mines Cannon Claw seems to work, while the other two are completely unresponsive. After being defeated, Sabre or Krystal may use the cannon.

SnowClaw (JetBike)


HP:3 (verification needed)
Found:Ice Mountain, Golden Plainshelp, CloudRunner Fortress

Oddly, despite being colored like normal sharpclaws, the CloudRunner Fortress race enemies are internally considered SnowClaws.


The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:Distract, Disguise, Explosions, Shiny Objects
Found:SnowHorn Wastes, Cape Claw, CloudRunner Fortress, Dragon Rock

Completely impervious to normal attacks, Sabre and Krystal must be clever in dealing with this brick wall of a foe.

Balloon Baddie

The attachment does not exist.

HP:1 (verify)
Found:Warlock Mountain

A floating jellyfish-like enemy, as enigmatic as Warlock Mountain itself. Would become the Brain Squid in Starfox Adventures.


SnowWorm Small


HP:<self explanitory>
Found:SnowHorn Wastes, DarkIce Mines

Small, snake-like creatures found exclusively in the frigid lands of SnowHorn Wastes and DarkIce Mines. Small SnowWorms are usually found hiding underground until a careless creature, such as Sabre, dares to venture near their hiding spots. When disturbed, SnowWorms will erupt from the ground and spit globs of deadly venom (or some other bodily fluid) at their prey. Fortunately, these small creatures are easy to dispatch, as a single strike with a sword is enough to put them under the ground permanently.

SnowWorm Medium


HP:<self explanitory>
Found:SnowHorn Wastes, DarkIce Mines

SnowWorms that have survived long enough to enter maturity will grow into these monstrosities. Roughly the same size as the pythons of Earth, one of the Majestic Eight planets referred to by the Krazoa, mature SnowWorms no longer attack by spitting venom and instead elect to ambush and maul their prey from their hiding spots. Nevertheless, though larger than their offspring, mature SnowWorms are still easy to dispatch; their large, sweeping attacks leave them very open for Sabre to parry.

SnowWorm Large


HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:SnowHorn Wastes


Sand Eel


HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Cape Claw


Sand Snake


HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Cape Claw




HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Warlock Mountain, Dragon Rock

<brief blurb on enemy>

Rope Baddie


Weaknesses:Hard, if not impossible to melee. Damaging spells are necessary
Found:Discovery Falls

These enemies hang on the ropes in Discovery Falls, blocking paths between the different cliff ledges. Shoot them with your Fireball spell to cross safely!

Water Baddie


HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Discovery Falls, LightFoot Village

<brief blurb on enemy>

Vampire Bat

The attachment does not exist.

Found:SwapStone Circle, DarkIce Mines, Cape Claw, BlackWater Canyon

Cannot be damaged in any known way. That being said, they can't deal damage either, so their seeming invulnerability is more of a nuicsanse than an actual threat. <Found in more locations, cant remember off hand>

Robot Scorpion


Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>

Cape Claw, Desert Force Point Temple, Volcano Force Point Temple

Scorpion-like automatons found in Krazoa strongholds. Upon spotting Krystal or Sabre, these machines will curl out of their top-like shape and attempt to shoot the trespassers with their tail-mounted laser cannon. Use the Fire spell if possible.

Big Robot Scorpion


HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:Hard, if not impossible to melee. Damaging spells are necessary
Found:Desert Force Point Temple, Volcano Force Point Temple

Only found in the Force Point Temples.

Patrol Robot

The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:CloudRunner Fortress, Walled City (formerly)

Flying gunner robots, under the control of the SharpClaws. Later renamed to Sentry in StarFox Adventures.



HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:Hard, if not impossible to melee. Damaging spells are necessary
Found:SnowHorn Wastes,

These treeborn enemies lob projectiles at Sabre and Krystal. Can usually be avoided just by running.  <Found in more locations, cant remember off hand>



HP:<self explanitory>
Found:Moon Mountain Pass (upper section)

This enemy hides under the ground, and starts attacking when Krystal gets near with projectile attacks. It shields itself from head-on attacks, and always faces their attacker. They must be distracted by Kyte in order for Krystal to land a strike on their back.


The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Swapstone Circle, Snowhorn Wastes, +More

Usually have some sort of spawner generating them, like a Tree. Very weak, but attempt to swarm Sabre/Krystal with numbers. They can't actually deal any damage though, so its an annoyance at best. After being hit, you have a short window to pick them up before they disintegrate, but attempting to put them down also makes them disappear. Maybe try destroying all of them, something good might happen...


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Dragon Rock (Boss Kamerian Heart)

Later renamed to Bloop in StarFox Adventures.


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

<brief blurb on enemy>


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Golden Plains

This desert foe is more than just a prickly pincushion! It will fire spiked projectiles at Krystal as she roams the sands. Like chucka, if you don't slow down it probably wont hit you.


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

<brief blurb on enemy>


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

<brief blurb on enemy>


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

<brief blurb on enemy>


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

Shoots electric bolts. When damaged by magic they disable for a few seconds


Blue Mushroom

The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Snowhorn Wastes, Swapstone Hollow, Swapstone Circle, Darkice Mines

Do not attack the player, instead trying to run away. After being attacked, they can be picked up and placed into the Food Bag or Food Jar, then fed to Tricky / Kyte to replenish their energy. Or place them down to clip through walls.

Killer Mushroom

The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Snowhorn Wastes, Swapstone Hollow, BlackWater Canyon

Unlike their blue counterparts, these mushrooms stand in place and emit a cloud of spores to hurt an unsuspecting Sabre/Krystal that gets too close. They get dazed after 1 hit, just like the blue mushrooms.

Rocket Mushroom

The attachment does not exist.

Found:Swapstone Hollow

Can be created by the player by placing a collected purple spore in certain locations. Most attacks are effective, but watch out! When struck, this fungus explodes and can damage Sabre. Ranged attacks are recommended.

White Mushroom

The attachment does not exist.

Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:Swapstone Hollow

Identical in behavior to the blue mushroom, however its only practical use is to feed to Queen Earthwalker. Collecting more than 1 is not recommended.

Dino Mole


HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

<brief blurb on enemy>



Galadon invoking his inner MrBeast

HP:<self explanitory>
Found:DarkIce Mines

Also referred to as "Clannad-ack" by exclusively Garunda-te, who previously froze him inside a waterfall. Tricky's Fire can release him from the ice. Galadon's hide is thick, and can only be struck in its tail. By distracting the boss with Tricky, you can easily get access to that weak spot. After he swallows Sabre up, swing your sword at the hanging spell stone to truly damage this boss. Three cycles, and he spits you and the spellstone out of the mines. Is more or less unchanged in SFA.


The attachment does not exist.

HP:<self explanitory>
Found:Walled City

A massive T-Rex with a spellstone implanted into its head. Impervious to normal attacks, he must be damaged using the Laser Walls scattered about the maze of a room he is found in. After that, he may be properly damaged. This boss is bugged in the December build of the game, frequently getting stuck in walls. To avoid this issue, its recommended to intentionally get hit by the boss to stay behind him. Not to be confused with "Clannad-ack," an alternative name for Galadon. Would become the King RedEye in Starfox Adventures.



HP:1 for each, 3 total
Found:Diamond Bay

Commonly just refered to as "Drones," these three devices block the entrance to the Test of Might in Diamond Bay, and only show up after exiting the Volcano Force Point Temple. They spin around rapidly, launching projectiles at Sabre. After a number of shots they slow down, and that's your time to strike! ...Maybe! While they are easier to hit when slowed, they can still be damaged while spinning rapidly, and even slow-moving drones can be awkward to aim properly at. Good luck, you'll need it.


Drakor flying menacingly in the void

HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:<Any spells or whatnot that affect this enemy in particular>
Found:<General location(s) enemy is found in>

The main antagonist of Dinosaur Planet, Drakor rightfully serves as the final boss that the player, as Sabre, faces. The fight begins in Dragon Rock, where the Kamerian uses his powers to warp himself and Sabre into a void-like area. Sabre must hop between the floating rubble in order to find the perfect opportunity to shoot Drakor with the Fireball spell. Upon getting hit, Drakor will return himself and the player to the initial arena, with a large crystal being found in the center. The player must now navigate Sabre to the crystal, all while Drakor attempts to incinerate the animal with his arm-cannon, in order for him to touch it. As Sabre and the crystal float into the air, Drakor collapses for no particular reason aside from Sabre getting his filthy animal paws onto the crystal; instead of collapsing into a pile of dirt like a certain reptile connected to a certain crystal, Drakor shoots Sabre off of the crystal and then wildly meanders about in the arena before the fight loops again. If by some miracle the player is able to get Sabre to defeat the villainous Drakor and free the planet from his reign of terror, the Dinosaurs will reward the player with a game crash for their valiant efforts.

Kamerian Heart


HP:<self explanitory>
Weaknesses:Randorn Wizard, Fireball
Found:Dragon Rock (Bottom)

A massive disembodied heart encapsulated in a large machine fueling it with magic energy siphoned from the planet itself through a pair of tubes. As the battle progresses, the machine opens up, exposing the heart itself, as well as the head of the ancient Kamerian Dragon protruding from it. The first part of the battle consists of shooting specific parts of the machine in order to detach the tubes (which in turn causes the Heart to begin spewing acid ball projectiles). While dodging the acid, the player must shoot open the two plates on the side of the machine. Doing so will expose the sides of the heart, and once both sides are exposed, the front of the machine opens, revealing the dragon head. In phase two, the dragon will begin to shoot fireballs that home in on the player. No methods have been found to damage the boss in this part of the battle. This boss is notable for being the only known boss fight in the Dinosaur Planet prototype that was completely scrapped from Star Fox Adventures, as Drakor was instead made the boss of Dragon Rock in place of the Kamerian Heart.



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