The frozen tundra of Dinosaur Planet. Home of the SnowHorns, a proud tribe of Mammoths of incredible strength and incredible hunger.


<Physical Description of the area, including landmarks and the ruling tribe. Plot elements also go here.>

Owned by the SnowHorns (obvs). First dumped into NW after the Ice Mountain race. Alpine Roots are sparsely burried in the area.

Northern Wastes

area with the ice block --> lava cave according to Map Data, but logically ends a bit earlier. Includes Krazoa Shrine

The Wastes

Map Data says this doesnt exist, but logically it does. Lava Cave --> Bridge? Maybe?

To the Mines

Everything else

Important Items & NPCs

<Feels self explanitory. Include a name, location, and short description for each item / character EX: For swapstone hollow, you can mention that Queen Earthwalker is located on a sidepath, and that she needs a white mushroom to open the path to the swapstone. You should not mention that she will tell Saber/Fox about the spellstones, that belongs in Overview.>

Items: Alpine Roots, Tricky's Ball, gears, key (for locked snowhorn)

Characters: Ice Block SnowHorn, Locked SnowHorn, Guardclaw (guards key), Garunda Te, Rideable SnowHorn


<If the enemies are just there to be an obstacle, just a bulleted list of the types of enemies found is good. If there are notable enemies, such as a Boss, or enemies that must be killed to progress, mention them with a little more detail here, and then link to a relevant page. Generally, Guardclaws should be in NPCs>

SnowClaws, Tree Guys, snow tumbleweeds, snow worm things? CannonClaw

Notable Bugs/Crashes

<Things like the Gas Chamber, Hell River™, Item Pickup Crashes, etc. belong here. Try to include links to their respective pages, and mention if there are any cheats/mods to help. Tricks relevant to progression can also go here, such as Early Princess.>

The ice block sometimes de-rails, GuardClaw Skip / Waterfall Jump, item pickup on DIMLV1 roots, item pickup on the bridge gears[?], Last Known Triceratops via jetbike & rideable SnowHorn,


<A few options for things here. You can mention how an area has changed over development, compare it to its SFA incarnation. Mention fun stuff, like the 10 Egg Box outside of LightFoot Village, or any good scarab grinding spot. Cutscene dialogue inconsistencies are always neat.>

The cannonclaw works fine here, even thought the DFPT one is broken (probably has something to do with the doors), blue SnowHorn texture unused & blue SnowHorn in SFA,


<Pictures with captions>


