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1 ==Description==
2 A replacement of ~[~[image~]~] that displays an image as thumbnail with link to the full image.
4 ==Usages==
5 It is created for syntax 2.0 and 2.1 and can be used in wysiwyg editor.
7 {{code}}
8 {{thumbnail image='404.png' height="50" keepAspectRatio="true"/}}
9 {{/code}}
11 |=Param|=Description
12 |image (required)|The image is in format ~{~{~{wikiName:~} space.~} page@~} (imageName) just like it used in image syntax. [[]]
13 |width|parameter that defines the width of the displayed image.
14 |height|parameter that defines the height of the displayed image.
15 |keepAspectRatio|parameter to be used when only width or height is specified and not both to keep the same aspect of the original image.