This page contains answers to some frequently asked questions about Dinosaur Planet and the 2000 build of the game leaked on Feb. 20, 2021.

Where can I get the ROM?

You can visit the Getting Started page to find download links and information on how to play the game.

Can I play Dinosaur Planet on a real Nintendo 64?

Yes! If you own a flash cart, such as an EverDrive-64, the game can be played on original hardware. See the Getting Started page for more information on how to play the game on a flash cart.

Can I play Dinosaur Planet on an emulator?

Yes! You can play Dinosaur Planet on a variety of emulators. See the Getting Started page for more information on which emulators will work best for Dinosaur Planet, and how to play the ROM on one.

How complete is the game? Can I beat it?

It's hard to say how much of the game was completed before transitioning to Star Fox Adventures, but unfortunately, you cannot play the whole game from from start to finish. You can visit the Playable Sequence page to see an overview of how much of the game can be played in the intended sequence of events. Additionally, you can explore the World category to see content that can't be accessed by playing the game in sequence. Finally, you can join our Discord server, where we have a vibrant community of people working to find everything there is to find in Dinosaur Planet.

Is there a mod or patch that makes the game fully playable?

Not yet. Keep an eye on the Mods page, and join our Discord server to keep informed about the latest mods and patches.

Has the game been decompiled?

There is an ongoing, active effort to decompile Dinosaur Planet, but it will be a while before it is complete. You can feel free to check out the GitHub repository if you'd like to contribute!



Welcome to DPWiki!

This is an archive of information documenting Dinosaur Planet, the game's history, its lore, characters, how to play the ROM, as well as technical documentation regarding cheats, mods, and engine tech.

Be sure to join us on Discord!