Show last authors
1 {{velocity}}
2 ##================
3 ## Find which tab to display
4 ##================
5 #if("$!{view}" == '')
6 #set($view = $request.getParameter('view'))
7 #if("$!{view}" == '')
8 #set ($view = 'index')
9 #end
10 #end
11 ##========
12 ## Set Tab Data
13 ##========
14 #set($tabs = [])
15 #macro(addAllDocsTab $tab)
16 #if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('view', "$!xcontext.user", $tab.get('document')))
17 #set($discard = $tabs.add($tab))
18 #end
19 #end
20 #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'index', 'idSuffix' : 'index', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index', 'document' : 'XWiki.Tableview'})
21 #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'tree', 'idSuffix' : 'treeview', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.tree', 'document' : 'XWiki.Treeview'})
22 #if ($services.parentchild.isParentChildMechanismEnabled())
23 #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'orphans', 'idSuffix' : 'orphansview', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.orphaned', 'document' : 'XWiki.OrphanedPages'})
24 #end
25 #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'attachments', 'idSuffix' : 'attachments', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.attachments', 'document' : 'XWiki.AllAttachments'})
26 #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'deletedDocs', 'idSuffix' : 'deletedDocs', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.documentsTrash', 'document' : 'XWiki.DeletedDocuments'})
27 #addAllDocsTab({'tabName' : 'deletedAttachments', 'idSuffix' : 'deletedAttachments', 'translationKey' : 'platform.index.attachmentsTrash', 'document' : 'XWiki.DeletedAttachments'})
28 ##=============================================
29 ## Add External Links tab if the LinkChecker module is present.
30 ## TODO: In the future replace this hardcoded link with Interface Extensions
31 ##=============================================
32 #if($services.rendering.defaultTransformationNames.contains('linkchecker') && $services.linkchecker)
33 #set ($dummy = $tabs.add({'tabName' : 'externalLinks', 'idSuffix' : 'externalLinks', 'translationKey' : 'platform.linkchecker.indexTab', 'document' : 'XWiki.ExternalLinks'}))
34 #end
35 ##===========
36 ## Display the Tabs
37 ##===========
38 {{html}}
39 <div class="floatcontainer">
40 <ul class="xwikitabbar">
41 #foreach ($tab in $tabs)
42 <li id="xwiki$tab['idSuffix']"#if($view == $tab['tabName']) class="active"#end><a href="$doc.getURL('view', "view=$tab['tabName']&amp;$!param")">$services.localization.render($tab['translationKey'])</a></li>
43 #end
44 </ul>
45 </div>
46 {{/html}}
48 ##==========================
49 ## Include the Tab data for the selected Tab
50 ##==========================
51 {{html wiki="true"}}
52 <div class='xwikitabpanescontainer'>
53 #foreach ($tab in $tabs)
54 #if ($tab['tabName'] == $view)
55 {{include reference="$tab['document']"/}}
56 #break
57 #end
58 #end
59 </div>
60 {{/html}}
61 #set($docextras=[])
62 {{/velocity}}


Welcome to DPWiki!

This is an archive of information documenting Dinosaur Planet, the game's history, its lore, characters, how to play the ROM, as well as technical documentation regarding cheats, mods, and engine tech.

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