Thank you for visiting our site! This page is temporarily up while we work on restoring our wiki, as well as incorporating new things. In the meantime, this page will act as an FAQ. Additionally, if you have a Dinosaur Planet ROM, you can update it with the latest community patch on this page.

If you haven't already, please come join us in the Dinosaur Planet Community Discord! You can keep up to date with the latest patch development, help report bugs, get help with the game, and discuss with a lovely community of dedicated Dinosaur Planet fans. We'd love to have you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do I set up the game?

You will need a copy of rom_crack.z64 (which can be found on the Internet Archive), an xdelta patcher, and the latest patch.

You can use the patcher at the bottom of this page to patch your rom_crack.z64. Alternatively, you can use a tool like Delta Patcher along with a patch file downloaded from our Discord server in the #patches-and-fixes channel.

Finally, if you're interested in keeping your ROM up to date and you're using Windows, you can check DinoLauncher.

Please note, depending on the emulator, you may need to edit the game's memory size to 8MB for it to work!

  • I'm encountering a looping fall-in-the-void bug while playing on console. How can I fix this?

It depends on the kind of flash cart you're using.

On an EverDrive, you will need to edit the save_db.txt file on PC to add DP=5, changing the save type.

On an ED64, you will need to navigate the menu on console to force FLASH as the games save type by pressing L or R while the game is selected.

  • How complete is the game?

It is playable to the credits. There are some sections with assets and gameplay missing, due to the state of the build we have. there are still things being restored every now and then, but it is difficult to quantify exactly - as the game was never finished to begin with. A good point of reference would be this playlist.

  • What happened to the website? When will it be back up?

We were attacked with ransomware mid-2024. We have been working on restoring lost files, as well as building a much more complete and cohesive wiki (and a lot more!).

We do not currently have an ETA for going live again, and we apologize for the delay! We are a very small team working on it, and life gets in the way. We do want it up as soon as possible, of course. Stay tuned, and thank you for your patience!

Patch your ROM

To use this patcher, select an unmodified Dinosaur Planet ROM (usually called rom_crack.z64). Then, select a patch version from the dropdown menu. Patches are split into a "vanilla text" channel and a "cosmetic text" channel that adds coloured subtitles along with additional subtitles for various things like sound effects.
